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- INFO-HAMS Digest Wed, 20 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1045
- Today's Topics:
- All India Radio (AIR) reception
- Comments of Building Projects
- Encryption, control, other random thoughts....
- Kansas City Tracker??
- Kenwood TS140
- Re: Junk in ham-radio
- rec.scanners
- SONY 2010 MODS WANTED!!! Desparately
- What about for us SWL's ? Re: Tuning dipoles and antennas.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 20 Dec 89 02:43:38 GMT
- From: oracle!news@apple.com (Sanjay Bulchandani)
- Subject: All India Radio (AIR) reception
- Message-ID: <1989Dec20.024338.8525@oracle.com>
- I live on the west coast near San Francisco (Menlo Park) and wondered if
- any netters have had any luck receiving news broadcasts from All India Radio. I
- have a basic SONY 7600A receiver with analog tuning.
- Tuning/Antenna/Time info would be much appreciated.
- Please e-mail suggestions to me.
- Thanks,
- Sanjay
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sanjay A. Bulchandani INTERNET: sbulchan%oracle.com@apple.com
- UUCP : apple!oracle!sbulchan
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 20 Dec 89 09:38:20 EST
- From: Robert Carpenter <rc@cmr.ncsl.nist.gov>
- Subject: Comments of Building Projects
- Message-ID: <8912201438.AA01779@cmr.ncsl.nist.gov>
- Some one, in reply to a request for comments on ham radio construction
- projects, discussed the difficulties in realizing crystal filters.
- This brings up an important philosophical point: just how much of the
- equipment do you have to design and fabricate to qualify for "home made".
- I, for one, don't think that it makes much sense to build even major
- components which are common off-the-shelf items. These include:
- transistors
- integrated circuits
- loudspeakers
- IF crystal filters
- frequency control crystals
- "block" VHF power amplifiers (Motorola and Japanese)
- microwave integrated circuits
- in most cases, diode ring mixers (Minicircuits and others)
- etc.
- My goal would be to get a working rig with modest effort. In any case, building
- a "real" rig is a substantial undertaking. OK, go back and replace some of the
- off-the-shelf components with those of your own design at a later date - but
- stick as much as possible to system design, not component design, if you want a
- useable product in a finite time.
- Hats off to those who can do ALL the detailed parts and finish in a reasonable
- time.
- One person's opinion... 73, Bob, W3OTC
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Dec 89 16:49:55 GMT
- From: hpfcso!ron@hplabs.hp.com (Ron Miller)
- Subject: Encryption, control, other random thoughts....
- Message-ID: <7500006@hpfcso.HP.COM>
- Paul Koning:
- > I disagree with that analysis. The ECPA says that you can listen to things
- > that are "readily accessible to the general public". Obviously that's a
- > matter of interpretation. One interpretation, which is the one I would use,
- > is that anything that can be bought for less than a thousand or two, or that
- > can be built in a reasonably equipped hamshack, is "generally accessible".
- >
- However reasonable your interpretation, it really doesn't matter. What
- matters is how the case would be presented to a jury of "your peers*"
- in a court of law where you would be prosecuted.
- Think about it in that light and you may want to change your interpretation.
- Ron Miller
- NW0U
- * "your peers" generally winds up meaning citizens chosen for their
- availability and specific lack of knowlege in any pertinent area
- of your case. After having been disqualified from jury duty in
- a case where a young man flew an airplane into power lines and was
- suing the electric utility for damages, I saw that being a pilot,
- an electrical engineer and a former Naval Officer (????) totally
- disqualified me from being a juror. The little old lady who
- doesn't know three-phase electricity from a solar eclipse was who
- they kept.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Dec 89 02:22:00 GMT
- From: texbell!attctc!mic!rrm!ric@rutgers.edu (Ric Martin)
- Subject: Kansas City Tracker??
- Message-ID: <116@rrm.UUCP>
- Can someone give me a pointer to a description of the Kansas City Tracker
- interface spec, as referenced in the article on Instanttrack. I have seen
- this standard(?) referenced in several ads, but am not sure whether it is
- a public standard or what?
- ric
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Richard R. Martin usenet: {convex, texbell, attctc} rrm!ric
- n5nhi Internet: ric@rrm.lonestar.org
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Dec 89 19:53:17 GMT
- From: ingr!b11!herbster@uunet.uu.net (Joe Herbster)
- Subject: Kenwood TS140
- Message-ID: <6885@b11.ingr.com>
- In article <5120004@hpindda.HP.COM>, genem@hpindda.HP.COM (Gene Marshall) writes:
- > [nice stuff about ts-140...]
- >
- > The only changes that would be appreciated would be if the squelch and
- > power controls were reversed (the power is a very sensitive slide
- > switch and would be better as the rotary POT) and if an SWR meter was
- > included. But, in that price range you can't expect everything.
- I saw an article in one of the magazines (QST Hints & kinks??) about
- a year ago that did just that. It seems that it only takes the
- swapping of 2 wires inside to reverse the power and squelch controls.
- If you look at the schematics, it should be easy to see. It seems
- that nearly everyone who owns a '140 thinks about that within a week.
- I am very nearly breaking down to the point of buying a TS-680S to
- pick up on 6m. In 22 years of ham radio, I have never worked the
- 6m band.....with my luck I'll finally get the money for it at the
- end of the sun-spot cycle......Murphy lives in my back pocket.
- I have heard quite a few TS140 and TS-440 rigs on the air. They
- sound great!! I never hear any complaints about them, just real
- nice signals. Have fun, don't drown...
- de km4jn
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Dec 89 18:07:22 GMT
- From: hp-ses!hp-ptp!kenb@hplabs.hp.com (Ken_Buscho)
- Subject: Re: Junk in ham-radio
- Message-ID: <2700007@hp-ptp.HP.COM>
- / hp-ptp:rec.ham-radio / brian@ucsd.Edu (Brian Kantor) / 2:02 pm Dec 18, 1989 /
- > if you are blessed with reading this as a Usenet newsgroup and have the
- > 'rn' news reader, you can Kill any discussion you don't want to see by
- > subject, and by author. For example, this is my Kill file.
- >
- > /:.*for sale/:j
- > /Jim.Grubs/h:j
- >
- > The first disposes of any article whose subject line include 'for sale',
- > and the second flushes anything posted by or about Jim Grubs.
- >
- > Selective reading is the answer. Trying to keep people from posting
- > will never work.
- > - Brian
- Now if we can just get all flamers to include the word "flame" in their
- response...
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ken Buscho, KC6AKD
- Office Automation Coordinator Unit Leader
- Hewlett Packard California Explorer Search & Rescue
- 1266 Kifer Road 354 Parrott Drive
- Sunnyvale, CA 94086 San Mateo, CA 94402
- (408)746-5065 (415)343-4122
- Internet: kenb@hp-ptp.ptp.HP.COM
- uucp: hplabs!hp-ptp!kenb
- "Support search and rescue, get lost"
- ----------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 8 Dec 89 18:04:27 GMT
- From: hpda!hpcupt1!hprnd!hprmokg!barry@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Barry Fowler)
- Subject: rec.scanners
- Message-ID: <29490001@hprmokg.HP.COM>
- I use my scanner in the kitchen to monitor the 2 meter repeaters.
- When I hear a friend on, I turn on the rig and give 'em a call.
- 90% of the hours on my scanner are amateur radio-related. 73 Magazine
- is going to have an article on scanners in a future issue, I hear,
- that will feature two modifications: 1.) how to use the scanner to
- measure FM deviation and 2.) how to use it to decode PL frequencies.
- Barry
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 02:14:47 GMT
- From: hpda!hpcupt1!eric@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Eric Wertz)
- Subject: SONY 2010 MODS WANTED!!! Desparately
- Message-ID: <7120100@hpcupt1.HP.COM>
- Me too. Can we just have them posted?
- ++tkx,
- -eric (you mean I'll be able to enjoy my 2010 even MORE..?) wertz
- (ucbvax!hpda!eric)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Dec 89 18:36:34 GMT
- From: rti!xyzzy!aquila!harrism@mcnc.org (Mike Harris)
- Subject: What about for us SWL's ? Re: Tuning dipoles and antennas.
- Message-ID: <1543@xyzzy.UUCP>
- In article <8971@cbmvax.commodore.com>, grr@cbmvax.commodore.com (George
- Robbins) writes:
- > however only the "three knob" ones seem to offer "inputs for random wire",
- > but then the "third knob" is nominally for tuning connection to the
- > "transmitter", which should be non-critical for recieve only operation.
- The two knobber is probably an L network which can, in addition to
- resonating the antenna, transform a high-impedence to a low (or visa-versa
- if you reverse the connections). The three knobber is probably a pi which
- can resonate as well as perform impedence transformations in both directions
- without requiring re-cabling or internal switching.
- A "true" long wire (>= 1 wavelength) will have an impedence > 50 ohms and
- as such an appropriately connected L will suffice. The three knobber you
- refer to probably has those extra "inputs" with connectors, switch positions,
- etc as part of function packing to raise the price point up a bit.
- regards,
- Mike Harris - KM4UL harrism@dg-rtp.dg.com
- Data General Corporation {world}!mcnc!rti!dg-rtp!harrism
- Research Triangle Park, NC
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1045
- ***************************************